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Quick and comprehensive cluster health checking with FlashGrid version 20.02

March 23, 2020

FlashGrid version 20.02 is now generally available to AWS, Azure, and GCP customers.

Highlights of the new version:
• FlashGrid Health Checker tool
• Additional health monitoring and alerting capabilities
• New AWS regions: GovCloud US-East, Hong Kong, Bahrain

The main enhancement of version 20.02 is the addition of the new FlashGrid Health Checker tool. Health Checker allows quickly determining cluster health by checking multiple points related to storage, network, OS, and even to third-party software. For example, Health Checker scans logs for alerts over the last week and checks critical configuration files for potentially dangerous modifications that have not been activated yet. By automating and simplifying these checks the Health Checker tool helps administrators maintain the database cluster in a healthy state with minimal effort.

Reliability of operation is crucial for maintaining database high availability. With FlashGrid we focus on reliability at multiple levels. Health Checker is a major addition to our reliability toolbox that significantly reduces the risk of failures caused by human errors or by otherwise unnoticed problems.


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